Generally speaking, the Alamo Rock Ridge refers to a broken spine of rock comprised of about 20 spots to drop your pads and try some things if you continue far enough down the ridge. This miniguide will cover the lower "half" of these problems. The boulders and walls of the Alamo Rock Ridge run north-to-south for 500 hundred yards towards Gregory Canyon approximately 100 yards east of the ridge of rock that includes One-Arm Rocks, Crown Rock, Pratt's Rock, The Monkey Traverse, etc. When complete, this miniguide should comprise about 45 problems, about the same number as the miniguide for Upper Alamo Rock Ridge. Alone or in combination with Upper Alamo Rock Ridge and/or the Candel Area, this is a great place for a huge circuit of easier to moderate problems on good stone away from other climbers and user groups. Most of the problems are highball in nature, but most have reasonable or easy topouts. If you have a good head, this an excellent area to log some mileage. Where: Head up Flagstaff Road. 1.6 miles past The Armstrong Bridge (located at the hard right hand turn at the bottom of the mountain), park at the Crown Rock Parking Area on the left or the dirt lot 75 yards further up the road on the right. Walk past One-Arm Rocks and Crown Rock, then turn left and follow a nice path that trends southeast to the upper reaches of the Alamo Rock Ridge. Major features that will initially come into view include Pump Rock, The Rib, Alamo Rock, Navajo Rock and the Erasable Boulder. See the miniguide for the Upper Alamo Rock Ridge for the problems in and around these formations. All of the problems covered in this miniguide are located on and around the ridge of rock that continues down the hill towards Gregory Canyon below the Erasable Boulder (which is the rock you pass below when approaching the Candel Area). Read the descriptions and use the photos to identify problems in this area and see the miniguide for the Upper Alamo Rock Ridge for the problems at the top of the hill.
More to come =)
will there be any updates to this area? i recently climbed here and really enjoyed myself! more info would be great! i'd happily help out if needed...