Friday, January 15, 2010

Forgotten Ridge Miniguide

Forgotten Ridge is an secluded ridge of rock with a handful of moderate problems and very few visitors. There are great views, wildlife aplenty, isolation unlike most areas on the mountain (in spite of its proximity to a 5-star restaurant) and a fun moderate or two. Where: Forgotten Ridge is a cool spot located 150 yards above The Flagstaff House steakhouse, although it should NOT be accessed from there. The best approach is to park in the pullout at the left-turning switchback 2.1 miles after crossing over the Armstrong Bridge (the First Overhang pullout). From the parking lot, hop on the trail and immediately turn right and head directly downhill. Cut left when you get to the bottom of the hill and continue north past King Conquer Rock and the Around the World Boulder. A very faint social trail heads north-northeast between the sparsely-growing ponderosa pines. After about 200 yards, you will arrive at a small ridge of climbable rock that is quite colorful. Problems are described right to left across this ridge and at least one problem (#5) may be found on a block just downhill to the east.
1. Forgotten Fin V0 ... FA: Unknown
In the middle of a cluster of a tight cluster of boulders, layback a seam on this colorful boulder until going for the top seems obvious.
2. Catch a Fire V4/5 sds ... FA: Chip Phillips, 2000
Begin from a funky sds directly below the starting hold for #1 and climb up into and finish up #1.
3. Forget-Me-Not V0 sds ... FA: Unknown *
Twenty yards north of #s 1-2 and just left of a tree, climb jugs up a short west-facing overhang to good topout edges. A really nice V0.
4. Forget About It V2 ... FA: Chip Phillips, 2000
Ten feet left of Forget-Me-Not, pull a short bulge on low and super-thin sloping microholds, establish on the slab on more of the same and dance up the dime-edged slab to the top. This one may induce laughing or at least it did for me.
5. Forsaken V1 ... FA: Chip Phillips, 2001 *
Climb up the left side of the slightly overhanging face using a couple holds in/near a right-arching seam, moving right at the top to a perfect topout jug. At the time, I really wanted to do a proud line to the right, but it just didn't come together.

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